<form action=”ORDERFORM_LINK” method=”post”>
<form action="https://secure.affilibank.de/affilicon/index?product=18465" method="post">
<input type=”text” name=”Feldname” />
Example for the field “First Name”:
<input type=”text” name="billing_addr_firstname" />
Hint for profis: If your customer already provided his data (e. g. during the registration or login), you can also use “hidden” fields.
<input type="submit" /></form>
Hint for profis: You can also use a graphical “Send”-button (e. g. inscripted with “Buy now” or “Order now”).
Example of a full HTML code:
After entering his personal data in the contact form and clicking “Buy”, your customer will be directed to the AffiliCon order form.
The already entered data will be transferred to the order form by the HTML code mentioned above.
Your customer enters his personal data on your landing page.