With the AffiliCon WooCommerce plugin, you can extend WooCommerce with a convenient AffiliCon order form. As soon as your customers choose AffiliCon as a
payment method in the WooCommerce checkout page, they will be immediately forwarded to our order form.
The following checkout processes will be handled by AffiliCon and the order data will be automatically transmitted to WooCommerce.
You can preview the demo page for our WooCommerce plugin under the following link: http://wordpress-demo.affilicon.net/ (available only in German).
Option A: Upload with the WordPress plugin installer
2.1 Click "Plugins" in the left side menu, then "Install".
2.2 Click "Upload plugin".
2.3 Select the previously downloaded plugin and click "Install Now".
Option B: Upload via FTP
Extract the plugin and store it in the root directory of your WordPress installation via FTP.
The plugin must be located under /wp-content/plugins/woocommerce-AffiliCon-payment-gateway.
Activate the plugin under WordPress → Plugins → WooCommerce AffiliCon Payment Gateway by clicking "Activate".
Customization / Configuration
To set the AffiliCon Payment Gateway as a payment method in the WooCommerce Checkout, your Vendor ID, the Secret Key and possibly a Checkout Form Config ID will be required.
You can find your Vendor-ID in your AffiliCon account. It is located on the blue button in the upper-right corner in your administration area. In our case it is “demo-account-affilicon” (see below).
You can find more information about an AffiliCon-ID here.
A Secret Key must be used to encrypt the form data. You can generate it in your AffiliCon administration area by clicking Vendor-ID → Account Settings → API → Secret Key → Generate.
1. Go to the account settings.
2. Click the button to copy the Secret Key to the clipboard.
Log in to your WordPress administration area. Go to WooCommerce → Settings in the left toolbar. Under the tab Checkout choose AffiliCon Payment.
Then paste the Vendor ID and Secret Key in the respective fields.
Option | Description |
Use AffiliCon Payment | With this option you can switch the payment method on or off. |
Use Sandbox | Activate this option to test your checkout process in a sandbox. Sandbox is a test environment isolated from the operating system where test purchases can be simulated. |
Show Test Purchase payment method in checkout form | This option activates the payment method "test purchase". |
Optional: The Checkout Form Config ID allows you to assign an order form configuration to an existing AffiliCon product.
The checkout form Config ID determines the design of the checkout page for the entire shopping cart (header, background color, etc.).
Enter here the product ID of the corresponding product from your AffiliCon administration area.
If the field remains blank or the specified product does not exist or the product is not yet released, the order form will be displayed in its standard version during the checkout process.
Once you have made all the settings click "Save changes".
The entry of a coupon code is currently possible only on the AffiliCon order form. The synchronization of coupons between AffiliCon and WooCommerce will follow soon.
Until then please deactivate the coupons in your WooCommerce settings in order not to confuse your customers. To enable coupons on the AffiliCon order form, please consider activating
the use of coupons for the respective products in your AffiliCon administration area. Click Edit → Extended settings → Display coupon entry → Yes.
More information about creating coupons can be found here.
You can use the plugin to sell subscriptions. Please note that the modern order form theme has to be activated. You will find it under Edit product → Checkout Configurator → Design/Layout → Select Theme → Modern (flat design / responsive).
To enable the AffiliCon checkout process for the WooCommerce products, it is urgently necessary to specify the AffiliCon product-ID by respective WooCommerce products.
Click “Products” in the side menu and select a product that is also activated in the administration area in your AffiliCon account.
Further down in the product data, click “General”. At the bottom, enter the AffiliCon product-ID.
You have made all the necessary settings for selling your products through WooCommerce and AffiliCon.
By activating the sandbox or the test purchase payment method in the WooCommerce plugin settings, you can now test your settings.