Optional Checkbox Usage by Integrations

Help Center AffiliCon

Optional Checkbox Usage by Integrations

Legal background for the customer data use

If you use any integrations with our platform (for example, for email marketing), please verify that you are permitted to continue using your customer’s data. Without your customer’s permission, you may only promote products that are similar to the products that your customer previously purchased (§ 7 (3) no. 1, 2 AUC (Act Against Unfair Competition). If you also use your customer data for marketing, you must obtain his/her permission via a checkbox. This makes you GDPR compliant.

However, in many cases, it is arguable whether two products could be defined as "similar". We recommend you to seek legal advice in cases of doubt.

Conversion tip: An additional checkbox on the order form usually reduces the conversion rate. Therefore, we encourage you to ensure whether you really need it or not.

How to activate the optional checkbox

1. Log in to affilicon.net, select the respective product in the administration area, choose "Edit" → “Extended Settings” → “Checkout Configurator” and enable the newsletter checkbox. Save the result.

Please consider our recommendations about this feature use. You can find them under the
question mark next to the activation button.

2. Click “Newsletter Configuration” in the blue "Menu" bar on the left side of the administration area.

3. Here you can enter a desired wording for the checkbox in five available languages ​​(German, English, French, Italian and Spanish). Your customers will see this text on the order form as soon as they give their consent to receive newsletters.

Alternatively, you can use our standard wording by clicking on "Used template for EN". The standard text is available in five languages ​​mentioned above. Please enter your own company name instead of {{enter your merchant or company name}}.

4. The newsletter checkbox will now be shown to your customers directly on the order form.

If your customer wants to subscribe to the newsletter and checks the box, he/she will be able to see your saved text and enter his/her email address.

You have further questions about the data privacy or the checkbox

You can find more information about the new GDPR (General Data Protection Regulation) in our blog article here (available only in German).

If you have any more questions, please write us via https://support.affilicon.net/contact/ or clients@affilicon.net.