Help Center AffiliCon
SendCloud Integration
SendCloud is a shipping tool which allows to create shipping labels, send tracking notifications to customers, complete your return policy, etc.
How to connect your AffiliCon account to SendCloud:
1. Create an account at SendCloud.
2. To integrate SendCloud and AffiliCon, you need to receive a daily shipping list. Provide us with the following information to
- Recipients e-mail-address for the shipping list
- ID numbers of products which you would like to ship
- Time of delivery of the daily e-mail
3. Receive a daily shipping list (a CSV file) of your sold products from AffiliCon.
4. Import this CSV file to SendCloud by clicking “Upload file” in the header.
5. Create a so-called “preset”. This preset ensures data compatibility between AffiliCon and SendCloud.
Warning: You have to create the preset only once during your initial setup.
To create a preset, click “No, create a new one”.
6. Assign the fields required for shipping (e.g. name, city, address) to our CSV file. For not mandatory fields (e.g. payment amount), select "Skip field".
7. Click “Save” to save your new preset and to import your data to SendCloud.
8. Select this preset to upload all your next shipping lists to SendCloud. The steps 1-2 and 5-7 are not required anymore.
9. Your shipping labels are ready to print.
Do you also need a commercial partner for the storage of your products?
Our internal logistics service allows you to store your packages with us. We will ship your packages automatically as soon as they are sold.
You can find more information here.
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If you have any more questions, please write us via or