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ITNS (Instant Transaction Notification Service) Integration
The affilicon system allows you as a vendor to automatically receive and process information on successful sales and on other transactions like returns via Instant Transaction Notification Service (ITNS) in real time .
The service offers you a connectivity solution for any system that is able to process POST-requests.
We already offer completed and easy-to-configure connections to:
- e-mail marketing systems like CleverReach, GetResponse, Klick-Tipp, Quentn, MailChimp and AWeber,
- membership management systems like Digimember or ContentPower ,
- customer management tools like Infusionsoft, Maropost, ActiveCampaign or ONTRAPORT.
These connections can be activated for your products in a few steps in the tab “Integrations” in your administration area.
However, if you would like to use self-written scripts or so far unincorporated systems (i.e. iContact), our classic ITNS-connection could be useful.
To create an ITNS-Integration, please do the following:
1. After logging in to, create a new product in your administration area or choose an already existing product. Click "Edit".
2. Select “Integrations” and click “+ Add new integration”. Select the "classical ITNS connection" from the drop-down menu "Type of integration".
3. Enter your URL into the field "ITNS URL". Under this term we mean the script that we should address.
We will send data to your own system, which can trigger an action you have selected: e.g. create member accesses, lock them on return and chargeback, enter customers in newsletter.
4. Enter a secret key into the field "Secret key". This field is optional. The "Secret key" signs the telegram so that it is clear that it comes from us. Select letters and numbers for the "Secret key".
5. Enter a prefix into the field "Prefix". This field is optional. Select letters and numbers for the prefix. By software created for Clickbank, you can usually enter a 'c' for prefix to use them.
Installation on the pages of your servers:
In order to receive the data on your server, you will need to have a POST-able script, which can be created, for example, in PHP, Perl, or Ruby.
After successful payment or refund, a notification will be processed via a POST-call up of the registered URL, which typically looks like this:
The script, that receives and processes on part of your server all the data, might look like the following:
$recipient = $_POST['custemail'];
$subject = 'Thanks!';
$message = 'Hello ' . $_POST['custfullname'] . ', thank you, for purchasing my product!';
$header = 'From:';
mail($recipient, $subject, $message, $header);
Besides the variables directly supported by our system you can also transfer your own information about the customer or the purchase, such as a client number or a ‘tag’ at the order link.
You can arrange this by using of the GET parameter “custom”. We will then report it back 1:1 per ITNS immediately.
A calling of this sales link could look like this:
From the system of the variables supported by affilicon:
custfullname ; | Customer’s full name 1-510 Characters |
custfirstname ; | Customer’s first name 0-255 Characters |
custlastname ; | Customer’s last name 0-255 Characters |
custzip ; | * Customer zip |
custcc ; | * Customer country code 0-2 Characters |
custshipto ; | * Customer’s shipto name: 0-255 Characters |
custaddr1 ; | * Customer’s shipping address: field 1 0-255 Characters |
custaddr2 ; | * Customer’s shipping address: field 2 0-255 Characters |
custcity ; | * Customer’s shipping address: City 0-255 Characters |
custshippingzip; | * Customer’s shipping address: Zip |
custshippingcountry ; | * Customer’s shipping address: Country 0-255 Characters |
custemail ; | Customer email 1-255 Characters |
custphone ; | Customer phone 1-255 Characters |
prodid ; | affilicon vendor product id 1-5 Characters (is send in the message and is documented). → Use prodtype to distinguish between standard and recurring products. |
prodtitle ; | Title of product at time of purchase 0-255 Characters |
prodtype ; | Type of product on transaction (STANDARD or RECURRING) 8-11 Characters |
transaction ; | Action taken 4-15 Characters:* SALE The purchase of a standard product or the initial purchase of recurring billing product.
* RFND The refunding of a standard or recurring billing product. Recurring billing products that are refunded also result in a “CANCEL-REBILL” action. * CGBK A chargeback for a standard or recurring product. * R-SALE Recurring Payment (Ratenzahlung / installment) * BILL Recurring Payment (Abonnement) |
billno ; | Count of the recurring payment. Default 1 for standard payments. |
aboid ; | Only for Abonnements: Abonnement-ID |
aboend ; | Only for Abo cancelations “CANCEL-REBILL”: end date of Abonnement (e.g. 2013-04-03) |
transaffiliate ; | Affiliate on transaction 0-10 Characters |
accountamount ; | Amount paid to party receiving notification (in cent (1000 = €10.00)) 3-10 Characters |
orderamount ; | Order total amount (in cent (1000 = €10.00)) 3-10 Characters |
transpaymentmethod ; | Method of payment by customer 0-4 Characters: * VISA – VISA * MSTR – MasterCard * SEPA – Lastschrift Deutschland * IBAN – EU-Lastschrift * WIRE – Überweisung * PYPL - PayPal * SFRT - SOFORT payment * TEST - Test purchase String 'UNKN' * UNKN - means unknow payment method |
currency ; | Customer’s payment currency 3 Characters |
transvendor ; | Vendor on transaction 5-10 Characters |
transreceipt ; | AffiliBank receipt number 8-13 Characters |
rfndreceipt ; | Only for RFND and CGBK: AffiliBank refund receipt number 8-13 Characters |
subid ; | First Subid Tracking Param (data1 paramater) |
data1 ; | First Subid Tracking Param (parameter used in the url for tracking affiliates) |
data2 ; | Second Subid Tracking Param (parameter used in the url for tracking affiliates) |
custom ; | Individual customer parameter. Could be set in your payform (e.g. ?custom=1234) |
verify ; | Used to verify the validity of the previous fields 8 Characters |
transtime ; | The Unix Epoch time the transaction occurred 10 Characters |
orderlanguage ; | The language code (0-2 characters) used in the orderform/checkoutform |
proditem ; | Old article id used for compatibility reasons |
taxamount ; | Tax amount (in cent (1000 = €10.00)) 3-10 Characters |
shippingamount ; | Shipping costs amount (in cent (1000 = €10.00)) 3-10 Characters |
transrole ; | String 'VENDOR' (Length=6) |
cartid ; | cart id for the transacton if cart widget is used |
noticeversion ; | version of the Classical ITNS |
Attention: We will check during the calling of a SSL-target domain (https), if a valid certificate exists. If you are working with SSL, your certificate must be valid.
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