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Klick-Tipp Integration
Klick-Tipp is an email marketing solution that enables you to track your sent emails to customers and analyse their behavior with the help of smart tags such as e.g. "Email sent", "Email opened" and "Email clicked".
Klick-Tipp is completely integrated into our system. You can automatically transfer all your customer email addresses into Klick-Tipp. Your customer list will be created automatically as well.
You can sign up for Klick-Tipp here.
To use Klick-Tipp, please do the following:
1. After logging in to, create a new product in your administration area or choose an already existing product. Click "Edit".
2. Select “Integrations” and click “+ Add new integration”. Select the provider Klick-Tipp from the drop-down menu "Type of integration".
3. Click "Add". The Klick-Tipp integration is complete.
Within the Klick-Tipp system you can leave the field "Product-ID" empty in order to tag all products the same way or you can alternatively fill in the Product-ID in order to include only this respective product in Klick-Tipp.
You can find the Product-ID in the sales link behind “product=”.
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