Help Center AffiliCon

Personalize your Sales Notification

In order to address your customer more individually you can add further helpful information to the message communicated after a successful purchase.

To personalize your e-mail sales notification, please do the following:

  1. Open your administration area and select “Edit” next to any product in your product list.
  2. Under the “Extended settings” you can create your personal confirmation e-mail.

How to personalize your confirmation e-mail correctly:

  1. E-mail subject: Formulate your sales e-mail subject (see: screenshot, point 1).
  2. Sales e-mail: Provide your customers with various purchase details such as delivery time, processing time, login data, etc. (see: screenshot, point  2).
  3. Click “Save” after you have finished personalizing your sales notification.

In the personalized sales notification the invoice number and the product name will be displayed in the subject line (1) and the additional information in the sales e-mail (2).

If you have any more questions, please write us via or